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The Executive Council may approve subject matter workgroups of the section that will conduct meetings to discuss topics related to specific areas of public interest practice. These workgroups may make recommendations to standing committees for actions such as continuing education programs, legislative positions or amicus curiae briefs. At least once a year, the Executive Council will review the viability of continuing each of the subject matter workgroups.  

Two lonely children are looking outside

Children's Rights 

Walter Honaman

The Children's Rights workgroup covers a wide range of issues impacting children.  We engage in advocacy at the legislature and through appearance as amicus. 

Protesters demonstrating for peace

Civil Rights 

Sabarish Neelakanta

This workgroup explores guarantees of equal social opportunities and protection under the law for groups for which these rights are not historically enforced or afforded.

Young man is moving into an apartment

Consumer and Tenant Protection 

Laura Boeckman

This workgroup explores the issues surrounding the protection of consumers and expansion of tenant rights.  

A man and his son with down's syndrome


Katherine Hanson

The Disability workgroup looks at issues related to the disabled community with a focus on protecting and expanding the rights of people with disabilities.

A fence demonstrating immigration


D.J. Neree

This workgroup looks at the issues related to attainment of citizenship and temporary or permanent relocation of individuals from one country to another.

A young father with his daughter

Parents' Advocacy 

Kerri Deitsch


The Parents' Advocacy workgroup covers a wide range of issues affecting parents and explores parents' legal rights.

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